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2 Please help provide the datasheet and some docum... N*1 2020-07-27 15:30


I'm a hardware engineer from Teradyne. I'm using the part, TB-302. But I'm not clear about the mounting method of TB-302. Could you please help provide the datasheet or some document which could show how to mount it? 

Or could you please help provide relative mounting pic? 

Thank you very much!

Best Regards,


[답변] Please help provide the datasheet and some document which could show how to mount the TB-302. 2020-07-27 16:13

Hello, I'm Eleparts.

There are no assembly instructions available for TB-302.

You can fix the wire by connecting the wire to the middle hole and turning the screw.

 A metal plate can be fixed between two plastic parts.

A piece of metal can fix the wires by soldering.

The link below is not TB-302, but I think you can refer to it.


thank you.

1 브레드보드 호환 신*영 2019-10-15 17:45


[답변] 비밀글입니다 2019-10-16 10:05


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